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You’ll find ideas, inspiration and practical advice to help you use what you write to build a business that you love.
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Write your way to your best future
Goal setting in business is powerful but the details of those goals are often confined to spreadsheets. And I find it hard to get motivated by numbers on a spreadsheet. So here’s an exercise that combines goal setting with creative writing. It will help you uncover what you really want to achieve, and can help you chart a way to make it happen.
Why finding your rhythm will really improve your writing
Developing your own writing rhythm is one of the very best things you can do to ensure that you create the content your business needs. Here’s how I created mine (plus some ideas you can borrow for yours).
How to communicate your story when your business is changing
We often talk about the need to have a really clear message. Capture the value of what you do in simple language, and share that story consistently in the valuable content that you create. Build a brand and a reputation by getting known for the one thing you do really well. Be niche.
But what if you want to shift the focus of what you do? What if the one thing you’ve become known for is no longer lighting your fire?
Once upon a time. Why your business needs a story
Writing your business story is a creative exercise. It’s not like any of the other writing you do – very different from blogs or sales proposals – and you need to approach it in a different frame of mind. Here are five steps to help you write your business story.