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You’ll find ideas, inspiration and practical advice to help you use what you write to build a business that you love.
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How to make your writing feel confident (even if you don’t)
If I could bottle something and give it to my friends and family it would be confidence. The fairies in Sleeping Beauty missed a trick with their gifts of Beauty, Grace, and Dance. What’s really going to protect you in life is the gift of confidence.
How to be seen as the expert
If you want to speak out clearly to a big handful of perfect clients, then you’ll be relying on your unique blend of experiences and expertise to create the story that will lead them towards you.
Here’s how to use content to spotlight your expertise and build your reputation.
How to make the most of the compelling power of consistency
Building a reputation depends upon getting known. Do one thing well, draw a community around it and you’ll be on your way to building a brand.
But getting known for one thing depends upon you talking about that one thing, not just once, but for weeks and months and years. How can you do that without boring your audience, or, just as importantly, without boring yourself!
How to communicate your story when your business is changing
We often talk about the need to have a really clear message. Capture the value of what you do in simple language, and share that story consistently in the valuable content that you create. Build a brand and a reputation by getting known for the one thing you do really well. Be niche.
But what if you want to shift the focus of what you do? What if the one thing you’ve become known for is no longer lighting your fire?
Once upon a time. Why your business needs a story
Writing your business story is a creative exercise. It’s not like any of the other writing you do – very different from blogs or sales proposals – and you need to approach it in a different frame of mind. Here are five steps to help you write your business story.